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2.71 lakh housing beneficiaries identified in Krishna

Collector A. Md. Imtiaz on Friday said a total of 2.71 lakh beneficiaries had been identified for the government’s housing scheme in Krishna district so far.

Addressing a press conference here, Mr. Imtiaz said works were in progress to hand over the house pattas and houses to the beneficiaries by Ugadi (March 25). Nearly 24,000 volunteers were engaged to carry out the task of identifying the beneficiaries since August last year.

The beneficiaries were from 53 mandals, two municipal corporations, Vijayawada and Machilipatnam, and seven municipalities. The beneficiaries in cities will be given one cent of land and their counterparts in villages will get one- and-a-half cent land. He said some of the houses would be allocated from the G+3 buildings constructed by Andhra Pradesh Township and Infrastructure Development Corporation.

Of the total requirement of 4,570 acres of land to be distributed, 2,498 acres was government land while another 2,000 acres had been procured from other sources. The identified lands were being groomed taking up levelling works, drawing of layouts and construction of roads.

He said of the 1,409 layouts prepared in the district, jungle-clearance had been completed in 1,120 of them and demarcation of 310 layouts had been done.

Conveyance Deed

In an important development, the Collector said Conveyance Deed was being executed which would enable the beneficiaries to sell the property after five years.

Mr. Imtiaz said since the housing scheme was very important for the government, officials and staff of the Revenue, Panchayat Raj, MGNREGA and Municipal Administration had been consistently working for its success.

Joint Collector K. Madhavilatha, Vijayawada Sub-Collector H.M. Dhyanchandra were also present at the press conference.

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