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Keep pace with changingtechnology, students told

In a rapidly changing technological world, education sector must brace up to keep pace, says Hemachandra Reddy, Chairman of the AP State Council of Higher Education (APSCHE).

Addressing the inaugural of AFOSEC 2020, an annual Techno-Cultural-Management Fest organised by VR Siddhartha College of Engineering, Mr. Reddy spoke on ‘Interactive learning with technology’, Mr. Reddy explained the State policy on technical education, pointing to the fact that to help students enhance their skills, the government would make mandatory a year-long apprenticeship, to make students industry-ready.

Siva Prasad, global operations director, HCL Technologies, spoke about the importance of deep-learning techniques, the use of data and the existing Buzz World to develop communication.

Digital marketing

B. Subramanyam, vice-president, HCL, Madurai, threw light on the role of digital marketing and service process in business.

Over 1,500 students from 25 colleges from across the State participated in the event which was designed to promote technology, innovation and scientific thinking through a series of competitions, lectures, workshops, and exhibitions. The technical events included paper presentation and exhibition of working models, while non-technical activities like contests in still photography, dumb charades, mock press, bluff master and mock interviews kept the participants engaged and entertained.

Siddhartha Academy president N. Venkateswarlu and vice-president and convenor M. Rajayya inaugurated the event, while principal A.V. Ratna Prasad, Head of the EIE Department G. Narasimha Swamy, coordinators M. Srinivas and Anupama were present along with other faculty members.

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