19-year-old dies after delivery in Anantapur govt. hospital, relatives allege negligence

Aparna, a 19-year-old died at the Government General Hospital (GGH) here on Tuesday night hours after delivering a baby. Her family members are sitting on a dharna in front of the hospital alleging doctors’ negligence.

Doctor denies allegations

A resident of Nayanapalli in Narpala mandal of Anantapur district, Aparna got admitted to the GGH at 4.30 p.m. after getting checked regularly at a private hospital during her first pregnancy. She was immediately taken to the labour room where she delivered a baby. But the amniotic fluid reportedly did not get expelled. The Resident Medical Officer (RMO) Lalitha told The Hindu that the allegations that doctors did not attend to the patient or other amenities were not available, were totally false.

“The placenta was expelled by taking her to the operating table as per normal procedure and she was doing fine with all vitals normal till 7.10 p.m. when she developed Pulmonary embolism, a blockage in one of the pulmonary arteries in the lungs,” Dr. Lalitha explained.

A rare case

“In some rare cases this happens, though the mother did not have heavy bleeding. She even took the baby kit given by the government, and was looking forward to have a look at her newborn baby,” the RMO added.

The baby was shifted to the Special Care Unit as it was weighing just 1.8 kg. (low birth weight) and doctors said it was a case of Intra-Uterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) – lack of proper growth of a fetus while in the mother’s womb.

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