EFLU students’ bid to join anti-CAA rally foiled

The plans of students of the English and Foreign Languages University (EFLU) to join a rally at Moazzamjahi Market in protest against CAA and NRC on Sunday was aborted after the university gates were locked by the security.

All the three gates of the university were locked ensuring that none from the university stepped out. However, those coming into the university were allowed.

With news reaching the police of the reported plans of a group of students trying to take out a rally to attend the anti-CAA programme, they camped outside the gates. Students entered into an argument with the police for not allowing them to go outside but the police maintained that they were waiting outside the campus and would take action only if the students crossed the university gates.

According to the police, it was the private security of the university that locked the gates. “We are waiting outside the campus to prevent them from taking out a rally. It has no police permission,” said Joint Commissioner of Police (East) M. Ramesh. He said that police had never interfered in student politics.

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