The Bengaluru rave party case has resulted in actress Hema being detained to judicial jail for a period of fourteen days.
At the JMFC Court in Anekal, a Bengaluru suburb, the Central Crime Branch (CCB) police brought her before Judge A.S. Salma. The judge placed Hema in judicial detention. The CCB police had previously questioned her about the rave party from a variety of angles.
The rave party was discovered to have been planned by Hema and five others. After this, word of her arrest spread, and she was brought before the judge.
The Outburst of Hema at the Media
As she was led away by the police after her medical exams, Hema yelled out at the reporters.
The media, she claimed, had published unfounded rumors about her. According to Hema, who was just taken to the hospital, she did nothing wrong.
The fact that her hair, urine, and nails were being taken for testing was something she brought up. Since Hema’s samples hadn’t been obtained earlier, she wondered how the media could verify the details of the drug case. That she had done nothing wrong was something she stressed again.