House sites to all beneficiaries by Ugadi: Velampalli

Minister for Endowments Velampalli Srinivasa Rao said that the State government is going all out to give away house sites to the eligible beneficiaries by Ugadi festival and all arrangements are being made.

Mr. Srinivas reviewed the housing scheme at the office of Vijayawada Municipal Corporation along with Collector and VMC Special Officer A. Md. Imtiaz, VMC commissioner V. Prasanna Venkatesh, MLA Malladi Vishnu and others.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Srinivasa Rao said that the government is going allocate 532 acres of land in Inavolu, Krishnayapalem, Kuragallu, Nidamarru and Mandadam villages in Amaravati to 28, 952 beneficiaries.

Also, land in Surampalem, Kondapavuluru, Rebbavaram, Chuttugunta and other villages near Vijayawada will be allocated for the beneficiaries, he said.

He said the government would first allocate available houses to the beneficiaries and then plots of one cent area to the beneficiaries in urban areas for which layouts are being prepared.

Mr. Vishnu said over 80,000 beneficiaries from Vijayawada would be allocated house sites and 17,000 houses were built in Jakkampudi colony.

He said beneficiaries are being chosen solely on the basis of criteria set by the government in a transparent manner.

Mr. Imtiaz said 2.71 lakh beneficiaries were identified in the district and arrangements to allocate land for them are under way. He said beneficiaries would get one cent land in urban areas and 1.5 cent land in rural areas and a total of 4,500 acres of land is required. About 2,500 acres of land is already available and the remaining is being sourced through various means, he said.

Joint Collector K. Madhavi Latha, Vijayawada Sub-Collector H.M. Dhayanchandra and others were present.

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