ITDA bridges the communication gap

The efforts to provide mobile communication network in the Rampa Agency area has paid off with the provision of uninterrupted telecommunication signals to nearly 35,000 tribal population living in the six mandals in East Godavari district.

Nineteen cellphone towers had been commissioned since mid-2018, and two of them on Thursday at Peda Geddada and Rampachodavaram.

Integrated Tribal Development Authority (ITDA)-Rampachodavaram Project Officer Nishant Kumar had launched the mission in April 2018 aiming at providing telecommunication network to the tribal population.

“Scores of tribal families living in the forest and hilly terrains had no access to medical services during an emergency in the absence of telecommunication signals. The plight of pregnant women was worse. Such conditions propelled us to launch the mission of ensuring telecommunication network. Now, such tales of woe will not be heard in the areas that are brought under the communication network,” said Mr. Nishant.

With the communication network in place, it would be easy for the government staff on the field to report incidents such as road blockade because of felling of trees.

Since the launch of the mission, 34,843 tribal people in the six mandals have been provided access to the telecommunication network — Rampachodavaram (17,834); Addateegala (10,413), Raja Vommangi (3,107); Gangavaram (781); Devipatnam (1,531); and Maredumilli (1,187).

‘Joint efforts’

“The success is the result of the joint efforts of the Tribal Cooperative Finance Corporation Limited (TRICOR), the Forest and Revenue departments, and the ITDA. The Jio group has come forward to provide the communication network though it is not viable commercially due to low population density,” said Mr. Nishant.

“Nearly 20,000 people who travel by the highway between Bhadrachalam and Rajamahendravaram daily directly benefit from the mobile network,” he said.

The ITDA authorities hope the students in the Agency areas would use the mobile network for their academic needs.

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