Varun Dhawan’s film with dad gets a hand-up August 14, 2020February 20, 2020 by admin After a spate of successes, Varun Dhawan’s two back-to-back flops Karan Johar’s Kalank and Remo D’Souza’s Street Dancer 3D, have left the star shaken and stirred. Varun’s next release is his own father, the eminently successful David Dhawan’s Coolie No 1, and we hear the film is being boosted after the debacles. Says a source in the know, “Both Varun and his co-star Sara Ali Khan have flops to their credit now. Until recently both had only hits. Now they’ve to live down their failures. Sara has to rise from Love Aaj Kal while Varun Dhawan has Kalank and now Street Dancer 3D behind him.” Apparently the Dhawans have decided to embellish the product. A love song featuring Varun Dhawan and Sara has been added to Coolie No 1. We also hear a major superstar, most probably Salman Khan, will make an appearance in the film. [ad_2] Source link