Techie with suspected COVID-19 put in Isolation Ward in Kakinada Govt. Hospital in A.P.

A 35-year-old Hyderabad-based Software Engineer suspected to have been infected with coronavirus has been admitted to the Isolation Ward at the Government General Hospital (GGH) here in East Godavari district in the early hours of Wednesday.

East Godavari District Medical and Health Officer B. Satya Suseela told The Hindu: “The youth, suspected to be infected with the coronavirus, has been admitted to the Isolation Ward in the GGH. The preliminary medical examinations have been found ‘negative’. However, his blood samples have been sent to Pune for further investigation”.

Ms. Suseela has added that the youth would be under the watch of the doctors in the hospital for two more weeks.

Returned from South Korea

On February 22, the youth had returned to his Hyderabad-based office from South Korea where he had spent two months on an official assignment. He was asked to take one month leave. A few days ago, he had visited his parents living near Kakinada town.

“A door to door survey has commenced, identifying the persons reporting any symptoms near the villages surrounding Vadapalem near Kakinada since the youth had spent two days in his village”, said Ms. Suseela.

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