In Uttar Pradesh, a bizarre incident took place where a man brought a chair onto a busy road and sat down in the middle of it. Despite heavy rain and vehicles speeding by, he remained seated, ignoring the warnings and shouts from passersby and motorists.
Suddenly, a truck sped towards him and hit him. The incident occurred within the jurisdiction of the Kotwali Nagar Police Station. Fortunately, the man escaped with minor injuries. A video of this incident has now gone viral on social media.
The truck driver, who hit the man and did not stop after the collision, is facing criticism. Locals are also criticizing the fact that the incident happened near a police checkpoint, yet no one intervened.
Police have identified the truck and stated that they are taking action against the driver. When the man who sat in the middle of the road was taken into custody and questioned, he gave incoherent answers.
The police informed his family, who explained that the man is mentally unstable.