Amaravati-Vizag passengers can now ‘cruise’ in comfort

The Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation (APSRTC) is planning to increase the connectivity between Amaravati and Visakhapatnam, the proposed legislative and executive capitals respectively, by operating Volvo buses under the brand name “Dolphin Cruise”.

About 16 such services would be operated, said its Vice-Chairman and Managing Director (VC&MD) Madireddy Pratap.

“The corporation is introducing 22 new Volvo buses of which 16 are Dolphin Cruise buses,” Mr. Pratap said on Wednesday. The RTC is planning to paint its buses with Araku themes, Konaseema coconut orchards, Kuchipudi and Dhimsa dances, noted fabrics, the Prakasam Barrage, Tirupati Lord Venkateswara and the Kanakadurga temples and other paintings depicting the tradition and the culture of the State.

“We have about 600 moving billboards. The corporation is planning to have a tie-up with small firms and artistes. Very soon, passengers can see buses with the themes,” he said.

The corporation would have a tie-up with The Hindu and use the best paintings of students sketched for its supplement. The paintings would be displayed on buses for one year with the name of the student and the educational institution.

Discussions with the representatives of the newspaper were held recently, Mr. Pratap said. The RTC is proposing to purchase 1,000 buses to strengthen the public transport system.

“After discussing the matter with the Transport Minister, the buses will be procured and operated. The fleet strength will then go up to 13,000,” he said, adding the RTC was ferrying 65 lakh passengers every day covering a whopping 44 lakh km.

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