Coronavirus scare grips Hyderabad’s Hitec City, several offices evacuated

Panic gripped parts of Raheja Mindspace in the Hitec City here after information of an IT employee being tested positive for COVID-19 began doing the rounds on social media leading to the evacuation of an 11-storey building. There were reports of another office being evacuated from a second building.

Screenshots of an email purportedly sent by DSM, a company located in Building Number 20 of Raheja Mindspace were widely shared on social media, and created the panic.

Panic exit

“I reached office around 10.30 am and went to have tea nearby. When I returned, I saw people were rushing out of the building. It began around 11.15 am. It was more of an exodus than an evacuation. There was panic everywhere,” an employee of a tech-giant working from the same building said.

Employees working in the building made a beeline to get out with several of them wearing face masks. Staff working in the facility services and maintenance too were seen fogging or spraying inside and outside the buildings. Further, Building no. 20 is being disinfected and sanistised.

Opt to work fom home

IT employees also said Qualcomm, another IT giant, too witnessed similar scenes.Many entrusted with critical work such as client data security, and those cannot work from home due to infrastructure constraints remained in the office. Others, however, opted to work from home.

The anxiety over coronavirus scare in Raheja Minspace was palpable as several IT employees moving in the IT Park were either wearing masks, or had covered their faces either with handkerchiefs or shawls, or stoles.

Those working in offices said their companies had issued travel advisories, including a complete ban on travel to China, and strict conditions for travel to European countries.

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