Govt. hospitals lack the critical equipment

Lack of critical infrastructure at Telangana government hospitals, where COVID suspects could be isolated, is staring in the face of Health department officials. There is a definite need for more resources at Government General and Chest Hospital.

Though a Respiratory Intensive Care Unit (RICU) with 10 mechanical ventilators was inaugurated exactly a month ago, they cannot be put to use as Arterial Blood Gas (ABG) test equipment needed to use the machines is not provided. Besides, the hospital has only one old ambulance and lacks a CT Scan machine. At the over 24-bedded hospital, if more than three patients are in need of emergency cardiologist support or others, all of them cannot be taken in the same vehicle.

“Blood is drawn for ABG test to know if ventilator support is working. If this resource is not available, how are the ventilators supposed to be used?” sources questioned, adding that a new ambulance with ventilator support is needed as all patients at the Chest Hospital suffer from various forms of lung diseases.

Though other government hospitals are not identified for isolation of COVID suspects, there is an urgent need for infrastructure there too. 2D Echo machine, Cath lab, operation table for organ transplantations is needed at Osmania General Hospital.

Sources said that superintendents of all hospitals have placed requests which were cleared. “It might take a few months’ time to get the equipment such as CT Scan for Chest Hospital. Other requests too were cleared,” senior officials from the State Health department said. However, sources said that inconvenience to patients can be avoided if the resources are provided on emergency basis.

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