Viral Videos Today-December 8-2022

Viral Videos Today-December 8-2022

1-Brawl breaks out in Senegal parliament after male MP slaps female MP in viral video

A heated brawl in Senegal’s parliament was caught on tape after a male opposition politician allegedly hit a female colleague of the ruling party.

Massata Samb and Amy Ndiaye Gniby of the Benno Bokk Yakaar coalition fought during a budget presentation.

Samb, according to reports, was responding to Gniby’s recent remarks in which she mocked a spiritual leader’s opposition to President Macky Sall’s desire for a third term by speaking to the parliament. A chair is seen being thrown by Gniby towards Samb as MPs try to separate the two. Later, additional lawmakers got involved, with one of them grabbing a chair and yelling at Samb.

Shortly after the incident, the present session of the parliament was suspended.

Viral Videos Today

2- Trending video: Assamese elephants fight in the wild

On social media, a video of two wild elephants fighting in a field has gone viral.

The incident happened in Assam’s Nagaon district.

The elephants’ fight was caught on camera by the locals, who then posted it online. Two elephants were captured on camera fighting ferociously in the fields while onlookers shouted at them and attempted to chase them into the bush.

The elephants ignored the people and engaged in an hour-long battle with one another.

The people followed them into the nearby forest while threatening them with fire.

Viral Videos Today

3- Action is taken after a viral video of girls dancing at the Mahakal temple in Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh

The problem of movie music videos and reels being produced in the Ujjain Mahakal temple complex has gained popularity.

In this video, the girls can be seen performing dance moves and making quick films both outside and inside the sanctum sanctorum.

Temple officials claim that despite cell phone and selfie bans, instances of making such recordings at Mahakal temple continue to occur.

They claimed that the social media posts had damaged the Mahakal.temple’s reputation.

According to reports, the two women associated with the temple’s security wing had their jobs stopped.

Viral Videos Today-November 23-2022

1-Viral video: A traffic cop saves a life in Hyderabad by doing CPR

Hyderabad: A traffic officer performed Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) on an electrocuted guy to save his life. On Tuesday, the event happened in Banjara Hills.

According to reports, a policeman named Shankar Bola saved a man’s life by giving him CPR on Road No. 1 in Banjara Hills after getting a tip from a few people.

Viral Videos Today

2-A photo of a homeless man dozing among several pets has been making the rounds online.

It was shared by Indian Forest Service official Susanta Nanda. This image will make your heart melt.

The picture shows the homeless man sleeping on the street with his tiny mattress. He also has an umbrella near his face to protect him from the sun’s beams.

There are seven more stray dogs lying on the mattress in addition to him.

“Our heart must be big enough to hold this immense globe,” the photo’s caption reads.

Viral Videos Today

3- A woman is shown in an upsetting viral video sliding from a scooter into a drain not far from a traffic signal.

Near one of the traffic signals, a terrifying incident had a place. Near the traffic signal, a large number of stalled vehicles were waiting for the red signal to turn off.

In the meanwhile, a woman on a two-wheeler came at the traffic light and joined other vehicles.

The woman abruptly lost control of the scooter and rolled to the side drain in front of the traffic light.

The attendees were in shock at the incident. The whole thing was documented on camera. It has now gone viral.

However, neither the reason for the incident nor its site was known.

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